We are committed to delivering high-quality cleaning services that exceed your expectations, so you can focus on running your business with peace of mind knowing that your facility is in good hands. We understand that keeping your space clean and well-maintained is essential for creating a comfortable and welcoming environment for your employees, clients, and guests. That’s why we offer a comprehensive general cleaning service to ensure that every aspect of your space is spotless and sparkling.

How can we help?

Contact us at 800-76937 or submit an inquiry online.

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AC Servicing

Repairs of air conditioning systems are often caused by a lack of maintenance and servicing. At PowerFix, we can fix any type of residential or commercial air conditioner, no matter what make or model. Our team is ready to assist you in solving the problem of inefficient cooling or a complete shutdown of your system.

Mattress Cleaning

We know how important a night of sleep for your health and well-being is. That’s why we offer a specialized mattress cleaning service to ensure that your bedding is free of dust, dirt, and other allergens that can negatively impact your sleep quality. Our team of expert cleaners uses eco-friendly and safe methods to remove stains, odors, and allergens from your mattress, leaving it fresh and clean. With our mattress cleaning service, you can enjoy a more hygienic sleeping environment and improved sleep quality.

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What Our Clients Say

Get the Best AC Repair Service in UAE @Power Group Intl

Given the excruciating heat of the UAE, no facility can be said to be complete without adequate air conditioning. However, air conditioners (ACs) might ten require servicing, and in order to make your experience hassle-free, you should know about the best AC repair service in UAE.

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